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About Me
I am an Environmental Social Scientist. I received MSc. in Sustainable Energy Technology (Major in Energy and Society) from the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and a PhD in Environmental Social Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. During my PhD studies, I visited the University of Essex, UK and the University of Texas at Austin, USA. My PhD dissertation aimed to demonstrate the impacts of cultural orientations on risk perception of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and their policy implications. My research interests are in the social sciences, with a particular focus on issues related to the energy transition, energy security and energy politics. I have taught courses on global environmental challenges, environment and culture, energy and society, and environmental sociology, among others.
I have worked at the Academy of International Affairs NRW (Fellow), University of Greifswald, Germany, Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (visiting fellow), Austria and the European Patent Office, the Netherlands, among others. Currently, I am a Senior lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the University of Jyväskylä (JYU), Finland. My research group is Transition for Secure and Sustainable Societies (TS3).

​Larson, X, Rutgersson, A, Karimi, F. et al. (2024). Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science.
Karimi, F. (2021). Stakeholders’ Risk Perceptions of Decarbonised Energy System: Insights into Patterns of Behaviour. Energies 14(21), 7205.
Karimi, F., Rodi, M. (2021). Energy-transition challenges in the Baltic Sea Region: an overview of socio-political and legal gaps, in Mišík., M; Oravcová, V. From economic to energy transition: Three decades of transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. Palgrave.
Ivandic, M., Shogenova, A., Karimi, F., Wójcicki, A., Shogenov, K. (2021) Routing Deployment of CCUS in the Baltic Sea Region. SINTEF Proceedings 7.
Karimi, F., Toikka, A. (2018). General Public Reactions to CCS: does culture matter? International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 70, 193-201.
Karimi, F. (2017). Timescapes and CCS projects: Is deferring projects and policies just kicking the can down the road? Energy Procedia 14, 7317–7325.
Karimi, F., Komendantova, N. (2017). Understanding experts' views and risk perceptions on carbon capture and storage in three European countries. GeoJournal 82, 185-200.
Karimi, F., Toikka, A. & Hukkinen, J. I. (2016). Comparative Socio-Cultural Analysis of Risk Perception of Carbon Capture and Storage in the European Union. Energy Research & Social Science 21, 114-122.
Karimi, F., Toikka, A. (2014). The relation of cultural structures and risk perception: How does social acceptance of carbon capture and storage emerge? Energy Procedia 63, 7087–7095.
Karimi, F., Goulas, A., Barzmehri, M. M., & Anggana Putri, M. (2012). CCS potential in Norway - Exploring the role of flagship projects: The Mongstad and Kårstø case studies. International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems 4, 23-34.
Karimi, F., Rodi, M. (2022). Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region: Understanding Stakeholder Engagement and Community Acceptance. Routledge Studies in Energy Transitions.
Karimi, F. (2021), The energy transition in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR): dividing or unifying? Case study of the Nord Stream 2. BUP symposium 2021. Online, 19-20 October 2021 (
Karimi, F., Ombudstvedt, I, Gran, M. (2019). An overview on risk perceptions and social acceptance of CCS: a missing piece of the puzzle. Trondheim CCS Conference. Trondheim, 17-19 June 2019. ( book- of-abstracts.pdf)
Ombudstvedt, I, Karimi, F. et al. (2019) BASRECCS - a network of CCS expertise in the Baltic Sea Region. Trondheim CCS Conference. Trondheim, 17-19 June 2019 ( book-of-abstracts.pdf)
Karimi, F. (2018). Socio-cultural assessment of experts and laypeople perceptions of risk of clean energy systems. European Sociological Association RN22 Conference ‘Complexities of Risk and Uncertainty’, book of abstract, Kaunas, 4-5 October 2018, p. 32. (
Karimi, F. (2016). The Role of Socio-cultural factors in Risk Perceptions Concerning Carbon Capture and Storage. The 1st annual DENVI symposium, book of abstract, Helsinki, 10-12 March 2016. ( )
Karimi, F. (2015). Cultural Assessment of Experts and Laypeople Perceptions of Risk: Different or Similar? The 21st YHYS Colloquium, book of abstract, Tampere, 19-20 November 2015. ( 1.pdf )
Karimi, F., Toikka, A. & Hukkinen, J. I. (2013). A Comparative Socio-Cultural Analysis of Risk Perception of Carbon Capture and Storage in Finland, the Netherlands, UK and Poland. The 22nd SRA-E conference, book of abstract, Trondheim, 17-19 June, p. 108. (
Karimi, F. (2014). Carbon capture and storage: a cultural approach to understand experts' views in Finland, Norway and Germany, YSSP Late Summer Workshop 2014, Proceedings, Laxenburg, 25-26 August, p. 17. (
Karimi, F. (2017). Socio-cultural factors in risk perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage. PhD dissertation, Faculty of Social Sciences. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
Karimi, F. (2011). An economic assessment of carbon capture and storage: The case of the Netherlands. MSc. thesis, Faculty of TPM. Delft: Delft University of Technology.
Karimi, F., Lund, P. (2018). Potentials of and barriers to variable renewable energy and flexible energy systems in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Flex4RES: Nordic Energy Research.
Contribution to Boscan, L., Rosenlund Soysal, E. (2017). Framework conditions for flexibility in the Gas – Electricity interface of Nordic and Baltic countries. Flex4RES: Nordic Energy Research.
Karimi, F., Toikka, A. (2016). Maximizing bioenergy potential: Policy recommendations for Finland. BEST program. CLIC Innovation, Research report no D1.1.2-1.
​Dahlberg, U., & Karimi, F. (2023). Koldioxidlagring kräver snabba handlingar men långsiktig planering. Åbo underrättelser
Karimi, F. (2022). War in Ukraine and energy dependency: What Europe needs to do to wean itself off Russian gas. Euronews. -
Karimi, F. (2022). Lokal försörjning - från vetenskap till energi och mat (in Swedish). Västra Nyland newspaper.
Karimi, F. (2021). Energiomställning och gräsrötternas kraft (in Swedish). Västra Nyland newspaper.
Karimi, F. (2020). Stepping stones to an integrated electricity market in the Baltic Sea Region. Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research.
Karimi, F. (2020). Sassnitz, Washington, Brussels and Berlin: the development of controversial Nord Stream 2. Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research.
Several blog posts and reports on IFZO website:
Karimi, F. (2018). How culture affects perceptions of climate change related technology. Nexus.
Karimi et al. (2018). Better Policies Accelerate Clean Energy Transition- Focus on energy system flexibility. Policy brief. Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Council of Ministers (Flex4RES project).
Karimi, F. (2017). Danish Energy Commission report aligns with Flex4RES project. Nordic Energy Research. project/
Karimi, F. (2016). IIASA Alumnus Farid Karimi's recent publication: ‘Understanding experts' views and risk perceptions on carbon capture and storage in three European countries’. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis.
Interviews: Svenska Yle, Moritz Magazine, Yliopisto-Lehti, LL-Bladet, (YouTube channel), Yle English TV, Yle Fem TV, podcast, TU DELTA magazine.
News: Carbon Storage newsletter of the U.S. Department of Energy; Campus 1456 , IKEM newsletter
Currently, I teach the following courses:
Environmental Sociology
Energy and Society
Climate Change and Society